Friday, July 18, 2008

A Page in Artoos Scrapbook

Here is a page out of R2-D2's scrapbook

what? you didn't know he had one? well he is old fashioned and nostalgic that way.

*for IF - Artoo wasn't sure if he had done enough but hooray! He won 1st prize!

thank you for your comments!!


Anonymous said...

this is so adorable and so detailed
great concept combining 2 of the biggest movie franchises - love all the little in-jokes on the scrap book page - excellent!!!

Unknown said...

wicked page!!!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

CUTE ~ Popping in to say a belated hello & wish you a great weekend. :)


Anonymous said...

what a cute and clever idea! my son loves r2!

a :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a flash from the past! I remember when my son adored him! You've done an excellent job!

Ellen Byrne said...

Good idea for the word this week, and very nicely done!

Candace Trew Camling said...

this is really funny!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Hilarious!!! Totally cracks me up. I like the style and composition of this piece.


R2 as Harry Potter ??? my, you ARE clever !!!

very well done.....

thefridayfrog said...

ACCIO RON-WEASLEY on a DEWBACK! (oh man...did IIII just reveal my geeky love for swars and HP...yikes!)

brillliant, nicole! i wonder if he can still serve drinks this way? maybe hire some stupid houself to schlep for him? bwahahahaha!!!

JC said...

Oh my gosh, this is GREAT! And I love the doodle you included with artoo vs. threepio on lightsabers. I adore this scrapbook concept!!!

travis king said...

This is really awesome!

Random York said...

Nicole! You are too cool! Thank you for visiting my Halloweeny blogs. Keep up the great work!- John